Local patent applications outnumber foreign ones
India is now ranked as the seventh highest country in the list for patent filings and fifth in trademarks and also had made significant feat on the Global Innovation Index (as per the Times report). India added 1,300+ new start-ups and 23 new unicorns in 2022. India has also emerged as a hotspot for start-ups, reaching a total of 3,000+ in 2023.
The filing of applications for protection of various IPRs has been showing a consistent growing trend over the years. Overall filing constitutes to an increase of 7.5% under various IPRs as compared to the previous year. Approximately there is an increase of 13.57% in the patent filings during 2021-22 when compared to the last year.
State-wise Applications filed by Indian Applicants
There is a growing trend in domestic patent filings which constitutes to 44.41% showing an overall increase of 2.83% in comparison with the last year filings as per the IPO reports. Tamil Nadu tops the list in filing highest ordinary applications followed by Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh occupying second and third positions respectively. Other states like Haryana, Karnataka, Punjab also have increased their filings accounting to the increase of Indian applications.
We can also observe a spike of approximately 6% in the granted patents under various fields like chemistry, pharmaceuticals, polymer science and technology.
Top Filing Trends

PCT National phase applications 2021-22
In 2022, China continued to be on top with 70,015 PCT applications with a growth of 0.6% from the previous year. US came in second with 59,056 applications. Japan followed with 50,345 applications (+0.1%), India (25.4%) and Republic of Korea (6.2%) saw sharp growth in PCT filings while Asia remained dominant in International patent applications. Qualcomm Incorporated tops the list, filing 1622 patent applications in India followed by Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (1294), Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (849).
During the year 2021-22 there is a massive increase of 59.38% in the design applications where as registration and disposal of design applications during 2021-22 increased by 66.85% and 68.68% respectively as compared to previous year.
Design Applications filed by Indian Applicants
Gujarat occupied the first position with 4520 applications followed by Maharashtra with 3546 applications and Delhi with 2143 applications. The top Indian applicant being Chitkara Innovation Incubator Foundation with 367 applications followed Sabyasachi Calcutta LLP (269), Michael Aram India Private Limited (267) and Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences (203).
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