Patent filing trend by top companies
Bottom to up, time to bring back the focus back
One of the oldest civilization in the world India with several theories and techniques have helped created foundation for modern technology. Modern India is building an element of economic, realising focus on pivot of science and technology. With the fast paced innovation drive, India is now becoming an attractive destination for investment in technology around the world. Being the topmost country in the field of scientific research India had undertaken role in various facility targeting concern industry, infrastructure and innovation.

Although all the major companies are engaged in R & D still the expenditure remains deplorable at less than one per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Furthermore, patenting by domestic groups, Research Institute, educational institute and individual remains low. In India Innovation are centred from Research centre whereas in Other countries private sector, particularly MNCs pilot innovation. Even though like any other country India also standard set of rules for public sector and government labs.
Evolving eras of R & D and innovation in India
- Indian Patent and Design Act (1911)
- Establishment of research bodies CSIR, DRDO, IISC, ISRO and IITs.
- Indian Patent Act (1970)
- Restricted foreign ownership in Indian industry
- Science policy resolution
- Harmonious development of activities of standardisation, certification and marketing of goods
- TRIPS under WTO and amendment of patent act (1970) accordingly
- Shifting focus towards pharma to encourage drug development.
- Ease in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) reforms.
- Promotion of industrial process patent
- Increment of network on centrally funded research and educational institutions AGENCIES
- Science and technology(S & T) policy
- Surge in pharma and trending technologies like nano technology, semiconductors etc.
- National innovation council
- India found its place amongst the top countries in scientific research.
- Increment of network on centrally funded research and educational institutions
- Science and innovation policy
- Surge in pharma and trending technologies like nano
- Numerous innovator from rural India
- Increase in Patent filing, also surpassing non-residential filing.
- Indian R&D service based companies comprise 22 % of the global addressed market.
Still a long way to go

Only 5% of the attempted innovation resulted in success. Recurrent failure venture government funding from controller and audit general

Indian government content with little space for the gain of innovation compared to industrialised countries, who tends to plan strategic exercise on technological prognosis.

India still between 0.6-0.7: The gross expenditure in R and D had increased only by 3% in India since 2017 and only 0.01% since 2019.

India lack of technology transfer legislation from labs private sector for commercialization.