Self-Driving technology and companies

Self-Driving technology

Self-Driving technology

Advancements in cameras, sensors and AI combined to steer, brake and control the vehicle without any human intervention are getting closer to bring “autonomous” vehicles or “driverless” automobiles to market in coming years. Currently, automakers are competing to create the technology needed to make vehicles completely autonomous a reality. Gigantic automakers like General Motors, Volkswagen, Ford, Toyota and others whose technology has surpassed and poses a danger to enhance what Tesla’s Autopilot provides. However, with many limitations and challenges, the automobile industries are working towards many inventions to bring the level 5 automation vehicle to reality in the near future.

Evolution of self-driving technology

Evolution of self-driving technology

Need for self-driving technology

  • Reduce traffic congestion – Free up parking lots for other uses (schools, parks, community centers)
  • Greater Road Safety – Reduce driver error and rash driving behaviors
  • Greater Independence – People with disabilities and independence for seniors
  • Saving Money – Vehicle repairs, fuel and insurance
  • More Productivity – Entertaining activities, responding to email or work
  • Environmental Gains – Fewer traffic jams save fuel and reduce greenhouse gases
  • Improve walkability and livability

Level of Automation in vehicle

Level of Automation in vehicle
Source: Link

Challenges to achieve Self-driving technology vehicle

Perceived Problems with Self-Driving Vehiclese

  • End of Private Car Ownership – Subscription-based car solutions are going to be more popular in the years ahead
  • Loss of Employment – If all vehicles became smart enough, many people could be out of a job. Another example of AI machines taking jobs from humans
  • Unsafe Shared Transportation – Without a driver, there will be a lack of authority keeping people from misconducting
  • Danger of hacking – Vulnerable to hackers and could take control when driving

IP Trend of self-driving technology

China is the leading country for patent filing in Self-driving vehicle and its related technologies. The patent filing trend in China for self-driving technology shows Toyota, Huawei and LG electronics are the leading players who are actively filing patents. Most number of patent families were filed in China in the year 2019. After China, maximum patents get filed in the United States in self-driving technology where companies such as Toyota, Ford, Bosch, Tesla and General Motors are filing substantial amount of patents.

Top Assignees in Self-driving technology (last 10 years)


Future of self-driving technology

  • Future autonomous vehicles will rely more on camera technology, like stereo vision cameras which can produce direct 3D measurements at a distance.
  • Future vehicle will also be heavily influenced by safety and cost concerns.
  • Transportation sector to have a safer, sustainable future through advancement in AI technologies integrated into autonomous driving
  • AI system of the car which drives in open spaces and inclement weather and continuous scans over the surroundings.

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